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Frequently asked Questions

Q1:我想要參加社團,我要怎麼加入呢? I want to join a club, how can I do that?

同一個社團通常會在各系院及活動中心貼傳單或是網路宣傳自己的迎新及招生時間,只要在指定的時間去到該社團就可以了囉! 另外,請不要向我們索取社團負責人的連絡方式,課外組可以提供的訊息都已經在學生社團資訊裡。

The same club usually posts flyers or promotes their welcome and recruitment times in various departments and activity centers. Just go to the club at the designated time! Also, please do not ask us for the contact information of club leaders; all the information that the Division of Extra- Curricular Activities can provide is already on the website of student club information.

Q2:我想要創立社團,我要怎麼創立呢?I want to establish a club, how can I do that?

每學期初請注意課活組公告該學期之時程,並請務必參加說明會,相關時程可參考『學生社團成立』之說明。 由於成立社團牽涉訂定組織章程等較為繁雜的行政事項,請事先閱讀學校有關社團輔導的 『相關法規』 。 指定時程及申請表單:「表單7-1 學生社團成立申請書」,申請前請詳閱申請書之各項說明及應檢附之文件。 另外,同學們關心沒有成立為社團是不是可以聚會或活動? 其實不管是不是社團,都可以依照我國法律自由活動的喔!!! 要不要成立為社團還請同學們自己評估。

At the beginning of each semester, please pay attention to the schedule announced by the Division of Extra- Curricular Activities and make sure to attend the orientation meeting, where you can find details about the process in the 'Student Club Establishment' guidelines. Since establishing a club involves more complex administrative tasks such as drafting the organization's charter, please read the 'relevant regulations' provided by the school in advance. You can find the designated schedule and application form under 'Form 7-1: Student Club Establishment Application Form.' Before applying, make sure to carefully read the instructions on the application form and the documents to be attached. Additionally, students may wonder if they can still meet or organize activities even if they don't establish a club. In fact, regardless of being a club, you can engage in activities freely according to the laws of our country. Whether or not to establish a club is something students should evaluate for yourselves.

Q3:我想要辦一個活動,我該怎麼做呢?I want to organize an event, how should I go about it?

請事先寫好一份完整的活動企劃書。 確定自己的所需要的器材、場地及借用時間,活動中心以外的場地請先閱讀Q5。 在活動前15~45天之間 『上網申請』,需上傳企劃書並申請活動中心場地及課外組器材。 上網查詢是否通過初審,通過初審即可列印活動申請單簽章送件到課活組辦理活動申請程序。

Please prepare a comprehensive event proposal in advance. Ensure the amount of the equipment, venue, and the required time for borrowing. If you plan to use a venue outside the Activity Center, please read Q5 in advance. Submit an “online application” between 15 to 45 days before the event. You will need to upload your proposal and apply for the venues and equipment on the website of the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities. Check online to see if your initial review is approved. If it is, you can print the event application form, get it signed, and submit it to the Extracurricular Activities Office to complete the event application process.

申請活動時請特別注意When applying for an event, please pay special attention to:

請先確定好所有自己要用的器材以及場地,系統不提供修改功能,若申請後發現有錯誤,請主動向課外活動組告知,由課外活動組置系統申請退件,再重新申請。一切器材以系統為準,課活組不提供臨時借用。 Ensure the equipment and venues you need before submitting the application. The system does not provide modification functions. If you found errors on your application form after submission, please contact the Division to manual cancel the application, and then you can reapply it again. All equipment is subject to the system's availability, and temporary borrowings are not provided by the Extracurricular Activities Office.
由於器材領取及歸還時間為上班日1100-1600,故器材借用起迄日期請配合活動舉辦的情況來借用:假日的活動,器材借用請借星期五至星期一還;平日晚上的活動請借當天至隔天還。Equipment pickup and return times are from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM on weekdays. Therefore, please coordinate the equipment borrowing start and end dates based on your event schedule. For weekend events, borrow equipment on Friday and return it on Monday. For weekday evening events, borrow the equipment on the same day and return it the following day. ​
其他事項Other matters to note:

If your initial review is not approved, please carefully read the review feedback, revise your proposal, and reapply or contact the Division of Extra- Curricular Activities for inquiries.

All events must be concluded by 10:00 PM at the latest. If the event exceeds the allotted time, a warning will be issued. If warnings are repeatedly ignored, club activities may be suspended.

自願性社團的活動申請案,由課外活動組各性質輔導老師審查;系學會申請案則請各系所主任(或指派之指導老師)輔導。 ​*活動申請系統使用說明請點我 社團若對以上說明無法理解,請洽詢課外活動組櫃台人員或各性質輔導老師。
For voluntary club event applications, they will be reviewed by the respective nature advisors at the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities. For departmental association applications, please seek guidance from your department head (or the assigned advisor). *For instructions on using the event application system, please click here. If clubs have difficulty understanding the above instructions, please contact the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities counter staff or the respective advisors.

Q19:請問要怎麼報名參加社團評鑑呢?How do I register to participate in the club evaluation?

請先確定貴社團是已經成立的社團,並且記得準時交接! 每年約在六月會辦理





Please make sure that your club is established already, and remember to hand over your club responsibilities in time! The explanation meeting of club evaluation will be held in every June, and the online application system will be opened between July and the beginning of the semester. Please pay attention to the latest information about registration announced by the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities. Note: participating in the club evaluation is the fundamental obligation for clubs. If a club failed to participate in the evaluation, the club will be graded “D”, and will not have its club office, not any funds from the university. Once the club receives twice D grade continuously, the club might be dismissed by the university.

Q4:我想要在活動中心辦理活動,請問有哪些場地可以借用呢?I want to organize an event in the Activity Center. What venues are available for borrowing?

活中場地分為室內的教室及室 外的公共空間,詳情請參考表單下車中 『1-3 活動中心場地介紹』 借用場地的程序是必須事先提出活動申請。(請見Q3) 注意活動中心室外場地(包含活中門口)使用時,應注意請勿影響人員的正常通行。 社團若對以上說明無法理解,請洽詢課外活動組櫃台人員或各性質輔導老師。

The Activity Center has both indoor classrooms and outdoor public spaces as venues. For more details, please refer to the document '1-3 Activity Center Venue Introduction.' The procedure for borrowing these venues requires submitting an event application in advance. (Please see Q3 for more information.) Please note that when using the outdoor venues of the Activity Center (including the entrance area), be mindful not to obstruct the normal flow of people. If clubs have difficulty understanding the above instructions, please contact the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities counter staff or the respective advisors.

Q5:我想要在活動中心以外的地方辦活動,場地該到哪裡借用呢?I want to organize an event outside of the Activity Center. Where should I borrow the venue from?

宿舍區的場地:請到宿舍區C棟管理員室詢問。 各系院的場地:請到各系院辦詢問。 其他活動中心以外的場地:請閱讀『表單1-5』之後,仍有不能理解之處,再至各場地管理單位或課活組詢問。 注意 活動中心以外的場地確定可供借用後,請務必向課外活動組提出活動申請,才算完成借用程序!(活動申請請見Q3) 本組整理表單1-5內容供參,但借用方式依各場管單位之最新規定辦理。建議有需要借用外部場地之社團宜先行洽詢該場地管理單位(詳如表單1-5),俾便評估是否合乎活動需求,並取得最即時及正確之借用方法。 社團若對以上說明無法理解,請洽詢課外活動組櫃台人員或各性質輔導老師。

For dormitory area venues: please inquire at the Dormitory C dorm management office. For venues in various departments and colleges: please visit the respective department or college offices. For venues outside the Activity Center: After referring to 'Form 1-5,' if you still have questions or can't understand, then inquire at the respective venue management office or the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities. Please note that after confirming the availability of a venue outside the Activity Center, you must submit an event application to the Division Extra-Curricular Activities to complete the borrowing process. (For event application details, please see Q3.) We provide the information from 'Form 1-5' for reference, but the borrowing process depends on the latest regulations of each venue management unit. We recommend that clubs seeking to use external venues contact the respective venue management office (as detailed in 'Form 1-5') in advance to evaluate if it meets their event needs and to obtain the most up-to-date and accurate borrowing procedures. If clubs have difficulty understanding the above instructions, please contact the Division of Extra- Curricular Activities counter staff or the respective advisors.

Q6:我要借用課外活動組的器材,我有哪些器材可以借用呢?I want to borrow equipment from the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities, what are the equipment that I can borrow?

課外活動組的器材有擴音設備、延長線、桌椅...等等, 詳情請參考 1-4 課外組器材介紹借用器材的程序是必須事先提出活動申請。(請見Q3) 社團若對以上說明無法理解,請洽詢課外活動組櫃台人員或各性質輔導老師。

The Division of Extra-Curricular Activities has a variety of equipment available for loan, including sound systems, extension cords, tables, chairs, and more. For more details, please refer to the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities equipment guide (file 1-4). To borrow equipment, you must submit an activity application in advance. (See Q3.) If your club has any questions about this information, please contact the student activities office staff or your club advisor.

Q7:我申請到器材了,何時可以領取以及歸還呢?I have applied for equipment. When can I pick it up and return it?

請依照通過的活動申請案,器材借用的起迄日期來領取及歸還。 請注意:借還器材時間為上班日1100-1600,故器材借用日期請配合活動舉辦的情況來借用:假日的活動,器材借用請借星期五至星期一還;平日晚上的活動請借當天至隔天還。如果逾期歸還會扣社團評鑑分數,器材若有損壞會要求修復或賠償。 寒暑假期間借還器材時段另訂,請依公告時間辦理。 社團若對以上說明無法理解,請洽詢課外活動組櫃台人員或各性質輔導老師。

Please pick up and return equipment according to the start and end dates of your approved activity application. Please note that the equipment rental and return time is from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM on weekdays. Therefore, please borrow equipment according to the schedule of your activity. For weekend activities, please borrow equipment from Friday to Monday. For weekday evening activities, please borrow equipment on the day of the activity and return it the next day. If equipment is returned late, the club's evaluation score will be deducted. If equipment is damaged, the club will be required to repair or compensate for the damage. The equipment rental and return time during the winter and summer vacation will be different. Please follow the announcement time. If your club has any questions about the above instructions, please contact the Division counter staff or your club advisor.

Q8:我們需要辦理校外活動,需要注意些什麼?What should we pay attention to when organizing an off-campus activity?

除了線上活動申請之外,還要在活動日前三天繳交保險收據影本及參加人員名單。 校外活動如果租車,務必注意車輛的安全,請參考表單「3-5 遊覽車租賃定型化契約範本」 有些活動會要求未成年者或全體參加人員填寫表單「3-1 校外活動家長同意書」;無論校方是否要求,建議都讓家長明白這些事情。 社團若對以上說明無法理解,請洽詢課外活動組櫃台人員或各性質輔導老師。

In addition to the online activity application, you must also submit a copy of the insurance receipt and a list of participants three days before the activity. If you rent a car for an off-campus activity, be sure to pay attention to the safety of the vehicle. Please refer to the form "3-5 Standardized Contract for Charter Bus Rental". Some activities may require minors or all participants to fill out the form "3-1 Parental Consent Form for Off-Campus Activities". Whether or not the school requires it, it is recommended to let parents know about these things. If your club has any questions about the above instructions, please contact the counter staff of the Division or your club advisor.

Q9:我要在活動中心販售食品我該怎麼做以及要注意之事項?How to sell food in the activity center and what to pay attention to?

於活動申請時,在企劃書中撰寫有販售食品之活動內容。 活動申請通過後,至系統列印「學生社團販售食品同意書及垃圾處理規定」,連同活動申請書繳交至課外活動組。。活動期間請工作人員綁頭髮、戴口罩及手套來烹調食物,每日垃圾及廚餘以校內規定清理。 在活動中心使用烹飪器材請務必事先閱讀並遵守「學生社團烹飪器材相關注意事項」。 ​ 社團若對以上說明無法理解,請洽詢課外活動組櫃台人員或各性質輔導老師。

At the time of activity application, write the content of the activity with food sales in the planning proposal. After the activity application is approved, please go to the website and download “Agreement Form for Student Club Food Sales and Regulations for Waste Management”, and submit it to the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities together with the activity application form. During the event, please have the staff tie their hair, wear masks and gloves to cook food. Daily garbage and kitchen waste should be cleaned according to school regulations. Please be sure to read and follow the "Precaution Regarding Cooking Equipment for Student Clubs" before using cooking equipment in the activity center. If your club has any questions about the above instructions, please contact the student activities office counter staff or your club advisor.

Q10:我該怎麼申請對外公文?How to Apply for an External Official Document?

到 『課外活動組表單』,閱讀「3-2 學生社團對外公文撰寫注意事項及範例」,並下載「3-3 學生社團對外公文申請表(格式)」。 申請單填寫完畢之後,經校內指導老師簽名蓋章後,繳至課外活動組所屬輔導老師。 相關活動附件之電子檔寄給所屬輔導老師信箱,以利查詢,並協助發公文。公文申請的同時,請務必記得上網申請活動。 課外活動組會協助發出公文。 請注意:公文為學校之正式文件,需經過內容審核無誤後,將進入校內行政流程發文(視公文內容層級不同,至少7至14個工作天),並非送件即可發文。 學生社團若無法理解以上說明,請洽詢課外活動組所屬輔導老師。

Go to the "Division of Extra-Curricular Activities Forms Download" page, read the "3-2 Guidelines for Writing Student Club External Official Documents and Examples", and download the "3-3 Student Club External Document Application Form (Format)". After completing the application form, have it signed and stamped by your school advisor and submit it to your assigned counselor in the student activities office. Send the electronic file of the relevant activity attachments to your assigned counselor's email for reference and to assist in sending the document. At the same time of applying for the document, be sure to remember to apply for the activity online. The Division of Extra-Curricular Activities will assist in issuing the document. Please, note that the documents are official documents of the school and must be reviewed for accuracy before being sent out through the school's administrative process (at least 7 to 14 working days, depending on the level of the document content). Documents cannot be issued immediately upon submission. If the student club does not understand the above instructions, please contact their assigned counselor in the student activities office.

Q11:我想要借用演藝廳我該怎麼做呢?How to Borrow the Auditorium in Activity Center?

學生社團每學年一次為原則(特殊情形需至課外活動組洽詢)。 到課外活動組活動場借用e化網站查詢場地時間是否可供借用。 上網活動申請,通過初審後到列印「演藝廳申請表及保證書」請指導老師及輔導老師簽核並請注意相關時間及事項填妥,與活動申請表一同繳交。 如需借用電鋼琴或史坦威鋼琴,應事先詢問借用事宜。 若演藝廳的器材受損,將要求借用者修復;演藝廳管理員會視場地復原狀況決定是否扣借用單位評鑑分數。 注意 演藝廳另提供摺疊桌、椅、麥克風等器材之借用,請事先洽詢;演藝廳提供之器材請勿再重複於網路申請以避免佔用資源。社團若對以上說明無法理解,請洽詢課外活動組櫃台人員或各性質輔導老師。
General rule is that student clubs can borrow the auditorium once per academic year (special cases need to be discussed with the student activities office). Check the availability of the performance hall on the student activities office website. Apply for the activity online and submit the application form. After the initial review, print the "Auditorium Application Form and Guarantee" and have it signed by your school advisor and counselor. Please fill in the relevant dates and information carefully. If you need to borrow an electric piano or a Steinway piano, you should inquire about the borrowing process in advance. If the equipment in auditorium is damaged, the borrower will be required to repair it. The auditorium manager will decide whether to deduct the borrower's evaluation score based on the condition of the venue. The auditorium also provides folding tables, chairs, and microphones. Please inquire in advance. Do not apply for extra equipment again to avoid wasting resources. If you have any questions about the above instructions, please contact the student activities office counter staff or your assigned counselor.

Q12:我想要借活中中庭,而且會使用到電箱,我要怎麼做?How to borrow the Activity Center Courtyard and use the electrical box?

請先上網申請活動並借用活中中庭到系統列印「活動中心中庭辦理活動通知單暨同意書」依規定時限前繳交同意書。 ​ 社團若對以上說明無法理解,請洽詢課外活動組櫃台人員或各性質輔導老師。
Apply for the activity online and borrow the Activity Center Courtyard. Go to the "Division of Extra-Curricular Activities Forms website to download “Activity Center Courtyard Event Notification and Consent For”, and then submit the consent form before the deadline. If you have any questions about the above instructions, please contact the Division counter staff or your assigned counselor.

Q13:我需要使用手推車搬運器材,或是借用象限討論室需要使用投影機時,我該怎麼做呢?What should I do if I need to use a handcart to move equipment or if I need to borrow a projector for using the quadrant discussion room?


If a club needs to borrow the handcart or projector, please come to the Division counter desk to sign up for the borrowing during the working-hour: (1) If you borrow it in the same day of your usage, please return it before 16:00. (2) If you borrow it after 16:00 or during the weekend, please borrow it between 16:00 to 17:00, and return it by 10:00 in the coming working day. (3) You have to keep your ID card or other document as a mortgage during the borrowing.

Q14:我想要宣傳我的活動,請問我可以怎麼宣傳?How to promote my activities?

一、課外組可提供的協助The Division of Extra-Curricular Activities office can provide the following assistance for promoting activities:


1. Posters: Student clubs can submit up to two posters to the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities Office, which will be posted on the bridge and the slope in front of the post office for one week.


2. Large posters: Student clubs can make their own large posters and hang them in the Activity Center for one week. Large posters can be registered at the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities Office every Friday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (There are only seven available slots, so first come, first served!)


* Activity Center second-floor door: This is mainly for large-scale school activities and is not currently open to student clubs.


3. Activity Center electronic bulletin board: Student clubs can create their own electronic bulletin board posts and submit them to the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities website. The posts must be in the required format.


Posting posters and flyers in the restrooms, poster racks, and other locations in each college or department. Student clubs should contact the respective department office to inquire about posting permission.

三、可以在活動中心發放宣傳單、行動宣傳等等! 社團若對以上說明無法理解,請洽詢課外活動組櫃台人員或各性質輔導老師。
Handing out flyers and conducting other promotional activities at the Activity Center. If you have any questions about the above instructions, please contact the counter staff or your assigned counselor at the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities.

Q15:我已經通過活動申請,我想要發一篇新聞稿,我該怎麼做?My event application has been proved, I want to publish a press release, what should I do?

If you need to publish a news release through the school secretariat, the applicant must first obtain the approval of the relevant department head before submitting the application. Student activities should also seek the approval of the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities or the relevant department for review, and then entrust the above units to submit the application on their behalf. According to the regulations of the secretariat, the application must be completed 5 working days in advance (excluding holidays). Therefore, please leave enough time for the extracurricular activities group to make modifications and review (it is recommended to leave at least three working days), and apply in advance 10 working days (excluding holidays). The Division of Extra-Curricular Activities will submit it to the news application system, and the secretariat will decide whether to publish it. If student clubs do not understand the above instructions, please contact the relevant instructors of the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities for guidance.


The process of the application please refer to “Secretariat Office News Application System (http://ccuweb.ccu.edu.tw/newssubmit/)”. Please read through all the notes and example, and download “Student Activity News Application Form”. Send the soft copy of the application form and the qualified activity picture in jpg format to extra@ccu.edu.tw. The subject of the e-mail please write “Club Activity News Press Application- OOO Club”. During the process, the public relation office will contact the club for further revision.

Q16:我們因為活動想請假,需要證明該怎麼辦?We want to take a class leave because of the activity for my club, how can we get the proof of the activity?


Please make sure you have completed the activity application. After that, you can go to the "Form Downloads" section of the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities website to download the "Form 2-7 Club Activity Proof." Fill in the required information on the form and print out 1 hard copy for the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities to stamp. The clubs will be notified to collect the form directly from the staff or the club mail box. The club shall use the form stamped by the Division to scan or copy for the club members who need it. For students who have applied, please use the online "Student Leave System" to apply for leave. Attach the "Form 2-7 Club Activity Proof" as supporting documentation. Please note that the sheet does not guarantee that you will be granted public leave; the decision to grant leave is made by the department and subject professors. The "Form 2-7 Club Activity Proof" can only be applied for once for the same activity. If you miss the deadline or have special reasons, you may proceed with the approval of the club advisor. If clubs have difficulty understanding the above instructions, please contact the Division.

Q17:我想要申請經費,有什麼方法嗎?I want to apply for funding. What are the methods to do so?

申請大型經費:前一年度已經參加過社團評鑑而且不是評鑑為丁等,則有資格申請大型經費,每一學期有兩次申請機會。(相關表單:5-4 大型活動經費申請表及概算表)

Applying for Large-Scale Funding: If you participated in the club evaluation in the previous academic year and received a rating other than "Grade D," you are eligible to apply for large-scale funding. There are two opportunities to apply each semester. (Related forms: Form 5-4 Large Activity Funding Application and Budget Estimate Form).

配合政策融入:在活動中融入相關政策宣導,有機會申請補助,(相關表單:2-6 學生社團配合政策融入情形一覽表)。

Incorporating Policy Integration: If you integrate relevant policy promotion into your activities, you have the opportunity to apply for subsidies. (Related form: Form 2-6 List of Student Club Activities Embedded with Policies).

請洽輔導老師:各社團也可詢問課外組輔導老師還有什麼方式申請經費。 ​ 社團若對以上說明無法理解,請洽詢課外活動組各性質輔導老師。

Please Consult with Your Advisor: Clubs can also inquire with the Division of Extra-Curricular's counseling teachers about other ways to apply for funding. If clubs have difficulty understanding the above instructions, please contact various counseling teachers

Q18:辦理活動的補助款,我該怎麼進行經費核銷?I want to claim reimbursement. What are the processes to do it?

請事先閱讀「表單 5-5經費核銷注意事項」,了解報帳之相關規定。特別注意有無需要事先完成支出請示之帳務(例如同一廠商金額超過一萬元);請務必於活動開始辦理之前完成相關程序。以"租用燈光音響"為例,校內流程約需十天,故務必於活動前十天將估價單送至課活組辦理申請。活動結束後三週內備齊「5-6經費核銷申請表」、「分類合格單據正本」、「2-5 成果報告書電子檔」至課外活動組申請。12月份的活動,核銷期限另訂,應依公告期限辦理。 注意經費核銷請親洽各性質輔導老師辦理 請特別注意:經申請辦理核銷後,相關單據不會退還給社團,若社團需要留存,請自行事先影印。 社團若對以上說明無法理解,請洽詢課外活動組各性質輔導老師。

Please read the "Form 5-5 Considerations for Club Funding Verification" in advance to understand the relevant regulations for reporting expenses. Pay special attention to whether any pre-approval for expenditure is required (e.g., if the amount with the same vendor exceeds ten thousand dollars). Make sure to complete the necessary procedures before the start of the activity. As an example, for processes within the school such as "renting lighting and sound equipment," it takes approximately ten days, so be sure to submit the estimated quote to the extracurricular activities department for processing at least ten days before the activity.

Within three weeks after the activity ends, prepare the "Form 5-6 Claim Reimbursement Form," original copies of "categorized qualifying receipts," and the "Form 2-5 Student Club Activity Report" electronic file and submit them to the extracurricular activities department.

For activities in December, a different expense reimbursement deadline will be specified, and it should be processed according to the announced deadline. Please note that expense reimbursement matters should be handled in person with various counseling teachers.

Please be aware that, after applying for reimbursement, the related documents will not be returned to the club. If the club needs to keep copies, please make photocopies in advance.

If clubs have difficulty understanding the above instructions, please contact the extracurricular activities department's various counseling teachers.

Q19:請問要怎麼報名參加社團評鑑呢?How do I register to participate in the club evaluation?
請先確定貴社團是已經成立的社團,並且記得準時交接! 每年約在六月會辦理社團評鑑說明會,七月到開學前會開放線上報名,確切時程及報名資訊請注意課外活動組公告。注意:參加社團評鑑為自願性社團應盡之基本義務,依規定應參加而未參加評鑑之社團,視同評鑑丁等,本組將不提供社團辦公室之借用
Please make sure that your club is established already, and remember to hand over your club responsibilities on time. During the online registration period, which is typically around July to the start of the school year, be sure to register. Please pay attention to the registration URL as announced by the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities. Please note that participating in the club evaluation is a fundamental obligation for voluntary clubs. Clubs that are supposed to participate but fail to do so without a valid reason will not have their applications processed, including funding requests. This has a significant impact. If clubs have difficulty understanding the above instructions, please contact various counseling teachers in the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities.

Q20:倘若我的社團有異動,例如要換社長、改章程或者停社,我該怎麼做呢?If there are changes in my club, such as changing the club president, amending the club constitution, or disbanding the club, what should I do?


Changing Club President: Please first discuss it with the various counseling teachers from the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities before proceeding. (Different reasons may have different application processes).


Amending the Club Constitution: Please modify it according to the relevant regulations. If the amended constitution does not comply with the school's rules or the process is not in accordance with regulations, the revision will be considered invalid.


Disbanding the Club: Please first discuss it with the various counseling teachers from the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities before proceeding.

以上問題或其他疑難雜症請先與輔導老師談妥之後,再到 『表單區』 下載「7-3 學生社團異動申請書」,然後備齊相關文件,送到課外活動組辦理異動登記。

For the above questions or other complex issues, please first discuss them with the counseling teacher, then go to the "Forms Section" to download the "Form 7-3 Student Club Change Application," prepare the necessary documents, and submit them to the Division for registration of the changes.

Q21:社團營運不下去了,可是聽說解散社團,前社長會被記大過欸,怎麼辦?The club is no longer sustainable, but I heard that dissolving the club can result in the former club president receiving a severe disciplinary record. What should I do?

壓力好大這是獅子鬃毛;報告同學,完全沒有大過;而且正所謂塵歸塵、土歸土,同學就安心的解散吧。 只是要解散的話,請到課活聊聊程序上的問題喔!像是要繳回財產、社章、鑰匙或是剩下的錢要怎麼處理之類的。
The pressure is overwhelming, but let me assure you, there won't be any severe disciplinary record. As they say, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust," you can rest easy and dissolve the club. However, if you plan to disband, please come to the extracurricular activities department to discuss the procedural matters, such as returning assets, club constitution, keys, or handling any remaining funds.

Q22:為何活動中心不設置垃圾桶?Why doesn't the activity center have trash bins?

目前活動中心會產生垃圾的地方,主要為吃飯的區域(小吃街),而這些區域現在都是有垃圾桶,並且已經有做好垃圾分類。 另外不在其他地方放置垃圾桶有以下的原因Currently, the areas in the activity center that allow trash bins are mainly in the dining areas (The Student Canteen), and these areas now have trash bins with proper recycling system. Additionally, there are reasons for not placing trash bins in other areas:


1. Firstly, students and people from outside the school sometimes bring entire bags of garbage to the activity center, which leads to accumulated piles of trash in the bins and makes management challenging.


2. Secondly, with the accumulation of trash, campus dogs tend to tear open the bags, leading to a messy environment.


3. Thirdly, with the issue of piled-up trash, the current regulations require the use of transparent trash bags. However, many times, people dispose of large bags of black trash bags. This necessitates opening the bags and separating the waste into transparent bags, which is administratively difficult.


4. Lastly, the school's waste separation rules have become stricter. We cannot force students to separate waste, so we have to open the bags, sort the waste, and ensure that recyclables are not mixed with non-recyclables. If the garbage truck finds unsorted recyclables, it will refuse to collect the trash. This has led to the removal of trash bins in the activity center.

您的垃圾建議以下方式處理: 在活動中心吃飯點產生之垃圾可直接於該處分類。 若自家產生之垃圾請配合政府垃圾不落地政策及學校環安中心之安排,於各地垃圾車清運時段丟棄。 如果是社團辦理活動衍生垃圾,可視活動規模向環安中心申請垃圾子車、或配合活動中心清運垃圾時段(每日上午09:00-09:10之間在A3活動中心外停車場),與課活組人員共同將垃圾攜至環安中心之垃圾車。
You can handle your trash as follows:

- For waste generated at dining points within the activity center, please sort and recycle the waste right at those locations.

- If it's trash generated at your own residence, please cooperate with the government's policy of not leaving trash on the ground and dispose of it during the scheduled waste collection times designated by the Environmental and Safety Center.

- If it's trash resulting from club activities, depending on the scale of the activity, you can apply to the Environmental and Safety Center for a waste collection vehicle or coordinate with the activity center during their waste collection times (daily between 09:00-09:10 in the parking area outside A3 of the activity center). You can transport the trash to the Environmental Hygiene and Safety Center in coordination with the staff from the Division of Extra-Curricular Activities.
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