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Club handover

National Chung Cheng University Student Club Transition Procedures:

一、Fill out the transition information:

  1. Filling steps:

Log in to the club transition system → Fill out the information → Upload the signed and stamped Club Advisor Agreement and Transition Declaration → Upload the latest "Club Charter" electronic file → Submit → Confirm submission. (After clicking "Submit," the filled form will appear. Please confirm that the form content is correct before clicking "Confirm Submission." If "Data submitted successfully" appears, it means the submission is successful.)

  1. Reminders:

(1) The information provided will be used for the production of certificates for club leaders and advisors, for recognition or important communication purposes, so please make sure to provide accurate information.

(2) The "Club Advisor Agreement and Transition Declaration" is available in club and department association versions. Please choose the correct version to fill out and sign, and then upload the electronic file (keep the paper copy for your records). The forms for the advisor agreement and transition declaration are as follows: For department associations, choose the department association version; for voluntary clubs, choose the club version.

(3) If there are any amendments to the club charter, please download the "Student Club Change Request Form" from the Student Affairs Office website, fill it out, and then submit the change request form and the meeting minutes of the general assembly (amendments to the charter require approval by the general assembly) to the Student Affairs Office for verification.

(4) It is recommended to prepare the electronic files to be uploaded in advance so that they can be submitted after completing the information filling.

(5) After filling out and submitting, if there are any changes, please be sure to re-fill and submit.

  1. Have read and understood the above filling steps and reminders -> Enter the club transition system portal

貳、Inventory of school property and postal account matters (if none, skip):

  1. If the club is responsible for school property, please confirm with the Student Affairs Office advisor the method and time for inventorying school property.

  2. If the department association or club has a postal account at the university post office, please follow the instructions for continuing the management of the club account. -> Link to continue club account management

參、Application for Club Officer Certification (to be submitted by the president):

  1. As the term of club officers is about to end, please remember to help the hard-working officers who have worked together for the whole year apply for officer certification.

  2. Reminders:

(1) Please complete the application within the specified period. Late submissions will not be accepted.

(2) After saving the completed officer information, a PDF file can be generated. Please print or save it as a new file immediately. The PDF data will not be saved after logging out, so please be careful.

(3) The filling steps are as follows:

Officer A → Save → Generate PDF file → Print or save as a new file →

Officer B → Save → Generate PDF file → Print or save as a new file →

Officer C → ...

(4) After completing the application and submitting, if there are any changes, please be sure to re-fill.

  1. How to apply -> Link to apply for club officer certification

肆、Application for External Advisor (if none, skip):

  1. An external advisor is a proposed candidate with special expertise for student organizations (voluntary clubs). (Note: For clubs applying for an external advisor for the first time, please discuss with the Student Affairs Office advisor before applying.)

  2. External advisor applications are processed annually during the club transition period. How to apply -> Link to apply for an external advisor

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